What is BabyFlix?
BabyFlix is a local company specializing in elective 2D, 3D/4D and now 5D (HD) ultrasounds and 7 week DNA blood early gender determination via the Sneak Peek Clinical Version. We offer you the chance to bond with your baby in our shop accompanied by your friends and family.

BabyFlix serves the Fort Smith River Valley area including Greenwood, Alma, Van Buren, and surrounding areas. Our sonographers are registered through the American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography (ARDMS). Our registered sonographers are properly trained and posses the skills and knowledge to perform elective ultrasounds.
We look forward to seeing, you and your baby soon!
9207 N US Hwy 71
Fort Smith, AR 72916
In The Cisterna Market Building
Contact Us:
Call or Text 479.763.8591
Message us on Facebook HERE